Sarum league matches begin

In their first home match the team played Salisbury B and came out winners by 8-0 although a lot of close sets were played.

 At Sallisbury, against their A team, the going was tougher.

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 The match started evenly. Kate Gailey and Kyrill Kennett shared sets against the first pair;  3-6,6-4. Neat, clever play by Gailey balanced Kennett’s powerful all round game against a good pair.

Jennie Pope and Alex Boldis had similar fortune against the second pair also ending one set all; 4-6,6-1.

 In the Sarum format, the mixed matches are followed by a Ladies and a Men’s match.

 The ladies found it hard going against an established pair and Salisbury won 6-1, 6-3.

 Meanwhile, Andover’s two young men had a battle against more experienced opposition. The power of Kennett’s shots is impressive and Boldis has great athleticism but experience is often crucial and Salisbury won a close encounter 7-5 6-4.

 The match went to Salisbury by 6-2.